Pauline McNamee

Direct number: 215-234-7645
Cell number: 267-481-1428

As a full-time realtor since 2002, Pauline has built her business by specializing in Buyer and Seller representation in Bucks and Montgomery Counties.  Providing a high level of service, positive attitude and staying passionate about real estate, Pauline has been able to build life-long relationships with her clients and work 99% by referral.  Her method fosters repeat business and happy, loyal clients.


A concierge list of quality service providers is a valuable resource Pauline provides her clients’ throughout the buying and selling process to help make the transaction and home ownership less stressful.  Being a member of a high level referral network of real estate agents across the globe, Pauline can refer you a high quality agent anywhere in the US, Canada and abroad.


A Winner of The Five Star Real Estate Agent award by Philadelphia Magazine every year since 2011, Pauline is proud to know that this award is based solely on client feedback.   



Pauline has lived in Bucks County her entire life and raised two sons through the Central Bucks School District, currently living in Plumstead Township.

We Specialize in these school areas.

Why not take advantage of our concierge find it for me!