To Buy or Not to Buy – That is the Question


With today’s economy people are wondering is it easier for me to just pay rent every month, or should I put a lump sum down on a house and a pay a mortgage every month. There are some people that believe renting is best for them, while others believe buying a house is the goal and the best way to use your money when it comes to living arrangements.


Buying A Home

There are many benefits in buying a home such as stability and tax benefits, your no longer at the mercy of your landlord and don’t have to worry about changes in a lease agreement or new terms to abide by. Buying your own is home is also freedom to do what you want with your own home, whether you want to do simple things such as paint or tear the carpet up, all the way to adding an addition on to your home or landscaping jobs to add life to your outdoor area. You literally have the freedom to do anything you want to your home.

Renting A Home

While renting home isn’t always such a bad option, there’s more pros to buying a house. When renting your home there’s endless possibilities that could leave you in a bad predicament, trying to find a new place to live at the last minute. One of the biggest cons to renting your home is the possibility of your landlord selling the property, which will leave you at the mercy of a brand-new landlord, that could either raise the rent or give you an amount of time you must leave. While renting a home, does leave you with less responsibilities as far as fixing and repairing, you have to hope you have a landlord that stays on top of these things.

While renting a home could be a good choice for some people depending on their current circumstances, buying a home comes with many more benefits. Always weigh your options before jumping into buying a home and consult with an expert. There are plenty of options when it comes to buying a home that may fit your current needs.

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